的Array Method,再往下看之前,先來個想像力練習,首先,把陣列想成一個書櫃,之後要放進去的元素則是一本本的書。好了,那我們開始吧~
使用目的 | 方法名稱 | 回傳值 |
增加陣列元素(至陣列末端) | Array.prototype.push() | 陣列的新長度 |
增加陣列元素(至陣列起始) | Array.prototype.unshift() | 陣列的新長度 |
移除陣列最後一個元素 | Array.prototype.pop() | 移除的元素,如果是空陣列,則回傳 undefined |
移除陣列第一個元素 | Array.prototype.shift() | 移除的元素,如果是空陣列,則回傳 undefined |
增加/移除陣列元素(可自行指定位置) | Array.prototype.splice() | 被刪除的元素陣列,如果沒有刪除任何元素則回傳空陣列 |
要將陣列有規律的排序 | Array.prototype.sort() | 排序後的陣列 |
將陣列的排序顛倒 | Array.prototype.reverse() | 反轉後的陣列 |
**括號內放入要加入的元素const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
// 在書櫃空白區增加兩本書
const classicsLength = classics.push('On the Road', 'Waiting for Godot');
console.log(classicsLength); // 6
console.log(classics); // ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables', 'On the Road', 'Waiting for Godot']
**括號內放入要加入的元素const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
// 把書往右側推,然後再放入一本書
const classicsLength = classics.unshift('On the Road');
console.log(classicsLength); // 5
console.log(classics); // ['On the Road', 'The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables']
const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables']
// 拿掉最後一本書
const removed = classics.pop();
console.log(removed); // Les Misérables
console.log(classics); // [ 'The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby' ]
const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
// 拿掉第一本書
const removed = classics.shift();
console.log(removed); // The Trial
console.log(classics); // [ '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables' ]
Array.prototype.splice(改動的元素索引, 刪除的元素個素, 要加入的元素)
const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
// 從1984那本書開始,拿走兩本書
const removed = classics.splice(1, 2);
console.log(removed); // [ '1984', 'The Great Gatsby' ]
console.log(classics); // [ 'The Trial', 'Les Misérables' ]
const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
// 從1984那本書開始,拿走兩本書,再塞入On the Road那本書
const removed = classics.splice(1, 2, 'On the Road');
console.log(removed); // [ '1984', 'The Great Gatsby' ]
console.log(classics); // [ 'The Trial', 'On the Road', 'Les Misérables' ]
const classics = ['The Trial', '1984', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Les Misérables'];
console.log(classics); // [ 'Les Misérables', 'The Great Gatsby', '1984', 'The Trial' ]
const bookTitles = ['The Trial', 'Normal People', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Give and Take', 'Think Twice', 'Animal Farm', 'An American Odyssey']
// 移除書名的冠詞
function removeArticle(bookTitle) {
return bookTitle.replace(/^(a |an |the )/i, '').trim();
// 由A到Z排序
bookTitles.sort((current, next) => {
if(removeArticle(current) > removeArticle(next)) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
不知道replace和trim的朋友,推薦你來個String Methods套餐
不知道/^(a |an |the )/i 是什麼魔法咒語的朋友,咱們明天中秋節一起來研究正規表達式吧~
Array - MDN
JavaScript — Array mutable methods